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  1. Hello lady and gents as you scroll through this blog you will find inspiring post, you'll even read story's from people just like you and also the great hair products me and others have found useful so join me while on your journey with your fro :)

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Curl Pattern's..

I have never known what kind of curl pattern i had. Sometimes i used to think i had permed my hair to a point i could not come back from lol yes i know i overreacted. As i have continued this beautiful journey i have learned so much about the maintenance of my hair and others, ive learned that instead of just making a routine you also have to take the time aside to learn your hair, like which parts dry out faster or what edge controls leave you with that long lasting sleek look while on a budget. Also ladies sometimes your hair has more than one curl pattern meaning you could possibly be 4c and 3b , yes i also do understand that this makes wash day and other daily hair routine's strenuous. So join me as we discover and learn while inspiring others to love the curls within. #StayNatural #XOXOBGMAO
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